25 reasons to use a standing desk
The body doesn’t love to hunch. Source: CC By SA
Reduce your risk of;
- Heart disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Colon cancer
- Stroke
- Breast cancer
- Endometrial cancer
- Blood clot in the lungs
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Weak abdominal core
- Tight hip flexures
- Limp gluteal muscles
- Swollen ankles
- Obesity
- Weakened bones
- Difficulties concentrating
- Strained neck
- Sore shoulders
- Inflexible spine
- Disk damage
- Back pain
Become more efficient and effective at work by standing:
- Reduce your number of sick days
- Increase productivity
- Improve posture
- Burn more calories
- Live up to two years longer by significantly cutting down your sitting time
Stand tall.
The Proper Way To Use A Standing Desk
Ultimate guide for setting your desk
“Remember, everyone is different and should be able to adjust their workspace to their own needs. Some of us have longer arms, or shorter legs. Some of us have weaker knees, or flatter foot arches. No matter what your specific needs are, the advantage of height-adjustable desks is their versatile nature – they can be customized to suit everyone.”